Aymer of Valence, 'Aymer of Lusignan',
Born [abt.1224] in Lusignan, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
Died December 4, 1260 in Paris, France
Buried: His body was buried in Paris, and his heart was sent to Winchester Cathedral, where his tomb may still be seen, and where, it is strange to read, many miracles were worked.
Parents are first cousins.
Half-brother to Henry III of England
In 1247, a year after their mother's death, siblings Alice, William, Aymer and Guy, accompanied the new papal legate William of Modena, the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina, to England.
Aymer was illiterate, ignorant of the English language, and wholly secular in his mode of life. His personality was violent, overbearing, grasping, and brash. As a younger son he was intended for the church but wholly unsuited to it. He distained all things English and was not well liked by the barons and nobility in England.
Henry granted him many properties and incomes at the expense of the barons.
In 1250 the bishop of Winchester died and Henry III forced the chapter of Winchester against their wishes and better judgement to elect Aymer as their new bishop. Aymer's 'youth and ignorance', combined with his disinclination to assume the responsibilities along with the revenues of office, delayed his consecration. Aymer got Papal dispensation to retain his previous revenues.
1258 He was one of the king's 12 delegates in formulating the Provisions of Oxford. (the other 12 were the angry barons) However, he and his brothers refused to swear to the agreement.
Going against the council drew the wrath of the country upon them and they were forced to flee. They (and their ally the Earl of Warenne) took refuge in Aymer's castle at Winchester, but the baronial party laid seige and the brothers had little choice but to surrender.
They were given the choice of exile for Guy and Geoffrey and imprisonment for Aymer and William, or exile for all four. They chose to leave.
Aymer was consecrated by the pope in 1260 and on his way back to England he became ill and died in Paris.
Not Married
No known children.
Siblings of Aymer of Lusignan:
William de Valence, Agnes Agathe de Lusignan, Isabelle de Lusignan, Hugh XI d'Angouleme, de Lusignan, Alice de Lusignan, Guy de Lusignan, Geoffori de Lusignan, Marguerite de LusignanHalf-siblings from mother's first marriage to King John of England:
Henry III of England, Richard, Earl of Cornwall, Joan of England, Isabella of England, Eleanor of England
Hugh de Lusignan VIII | |||
Hugh de Lusignan IX | Orengarde de Lusignan | ||
Guillaume Taillefer IV | |||
Hugh de Lusignan X | Mathilde de Taillefer | Emma de Limoges | |
Aymer of Valence | |||
Isabella d'Angouleme de Taillefer | Aymer de Taillefer | Guillaume de Taillefer IV | |
Emma de Limoges | |||
Alice de Courtenay | Pierre Capet of France | ||
Isabelle de Courtenay |