William Thomas Roe
Born November 7, 1881 in Paige, Bastrop Co., Tx 1, 7
Died September 10, 1960 in Austin, Travis Co., Tx 1, 7
Buried: Austin Memorial Park, Austin, Travis Co., Tx 7
1900 US Census - age 18, living in Bastrop Co., Tx with parents Daniel (indexed as David, 38) and Mary (37) and siblings Eugene (16), Mary A (12), Eulah (14), Robert (10), Earnest (6), Bessie (5) and Fannie (1), father is a farmer, works as farm labor, can read, write, speak English
1910 US Census - age 26, living in precinct 8, Bastrop Co., Tx with wife Alice H (21) and daughter Pinkie T (6mos) in household of Alice's father William N Erwin (62,Tn) with brothers in law William B Erwin (16,Tx) and Gorden B Erwin (12,Tx) and Elba Moeller (35,Tx)
1920 US Census - age 38, living in Bastrop Co., Tx with wife Alice H. (32) and children Pinkie Tom (10) and Gladys E. (7)
1930 US Census - age 47, living in Austin, Travis Co., Tx with wife Alice (42), daughters Gladys E. (17) and Pinkie T. Townsley (20), son in law Sidney Townsley (27,Tx) and nephew Darrell Roe (23,Ok)
1940 US Census - age 58, living in Tract 11, Precinct 3, Austin, Travis Co., Tx with wife Alice H. (52) and daughter Gladys E. (27), highest level of school completed: 8, lived in same place in 1935, was seeking work during the week of March 24-30 - weeks of unemployment up to March 30, 1940: 78wks, occupation: telegraph operator, (wife is telephone operator, daughter works as cashier at movie theatre)
d/c - died at Brackenridge Hospital, Austin, Tx on September 10, 1960 age 78y10m3d, married, address: 1602 Bauerle St., Austin, Tx., occupation: retired railroad employee - M.K.&T., place of birth: Paige, Tx, father: Dan Roe, mother: Mollie Davis, never in military, no social security number, informant: Gladys Roe Smith, cause of death: coronary occlusion, Jerald R. Seton, M.D., 4910 Interregional Hwy., burial at Austin Memorial Park, Cook Funeral Home, Frank Linden Jr, funeral director
Alice Hudson Erwin
Children of Tom and Alice Roe:
- Pinkie T. Roe
- Gladys E. Roe
Siblings of William Thomas Roe:
Silas A. Roe,
Mary Alma Roe,
Eugene Roe,
Eula Roe,
Robert E Lee Roe,
Ernest Daniel Roe,
Bessie Ella Roe,
Fannie Ester Roe
patgreatgrandfather |
Edward Roe |
patgreatgrandmother |
greatgrandfather |
Daniel Edward Roe |
Sallie Bailey |
greatgrandmother |
William Thomas Roe |
Mary Jeff Davis |
mothers father |
matgreatgrandfather |
matgreatgrandmother |
mothers mother |
greatgrandfather |
greatgrandmother |